The Artist

Born in Vancouver in 1959, raised in care from birth I became a ward of the province of B.C. until the age of 17. Living within the many cultures of this land and across the oceans I became a child of the communities I lived with.

Art is the gift of truth for me. Like writing and music it is a way to express my feelings in a good way. Today I am blessed to be able to go to school regardless of my handicaps and relive a part of my life that was void of teaching from loved ones. 

My Lord Jesus Christ gave me a path to eternity. And God now lights my path each day with love. I will one day have a home where I can begin to live free of the barriers I now face as a homeless person. Faith will guide me always as I continue to learn more about how to become the artist I want to be.

My sculptures are all from visions of life before, and after the hurt. Inside the hurting child there is hope and kindling faith. Perhaps the element of hope to some; though for me faith enough to survive torture and abuses unspeakable. Faith to survive knowing beauty, like a reflection of love, did exist somewhere.

These moments created the visions of laughter and lamentations that I try to capture in my work. First Nations style and culture influence my work greatly, though all the world has fed my spirit, like China and Europe, Africa, and Australia. Canada is a pallet of humanities many colors from which I continue to draw from. Bless you for taking the time to let me share a part of my child, our fathers child...


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